Bluetooth enabled devices are exploding on the Internet at an astonishing rate, and the range of connectivity has increased substantially. Insecure Bluetooth connections can introduce a number of potential serious security issues. Hence, there is a need for a minimum standard for connecting Bluetooth enable devices.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a minimum baseline standard for connecting Bluetooth enabled devices to the CrowdFiber network or CrowdFiber owned devices. The intent of the minimum standard is to ensure sufficient protection Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and confidential CrowdFiber data.


1. Version - No Bluetooth device shall be deployed on CrowdFiber equipment that does not meet a minimum of Bluetooth v2.1 specifications without written authorization from the Infosec Team. Any Bluetooth equipment purchased prior to this policy must comply with all parts of this policy except the Bluetooth version specifications.

2. Pins and Pairing - When pairing your Bluetooth unit to your Bluetooth enabled equipment (i.e. phone, laptop, etc.), ensure that you are not in a public area where you PIN can be compromised. If your Bluetooth enabled equipment asks for you to enter your pin after you have initially paired it, you must refuse the pairing request and report it to Infosec immediately.

3. Device Security Settings -

  • All Bluetooth devices shall employ ‘security mode 3’ which encrypts traffic in both directions, between your Bluetooth device and its paired equipment.
  • Use a minimum PIN length of 8. A longer PIN provides more security.
  • Switch the Bluetooth device to use the hidden mode (non-discoverable).
  • Only activate Bluetooth only when it is needed.
  • Ensure device firmware is up-to-date.

Security Audits

The Infosec Team may perform random audits to ensure compliance with this policy. In the process of performing such audits, Infosec team members shall not intentionally eavesdrop on any phone conversation.

Unauthorized Use

The following is a list of unauthorized uses of CrowdFiber-owned Bluetooth devices:

  • Eavesdropping, device ID spoofing, DoS attacks, or any form of attacking other Bluetooth enabled devices.
  • Using CrowdFiber owned Bluetooth equipment on non-CrowdFiber owned Bluetooth enabled devices.
  • Unauthorized modification of Bluetooth devices for any purpose.

User Responsibilities

  • It is the Bluetooth user's responsibility to comply with this policy.
  • Bluetooth mode must be turned off when not in use.
  • PII and/or CrowdFiber Confidential or Sensitive data must not be transmitted or stored on Bluetooth enabled devices.
  • Bluetooth users must only access CrowdFiber information systems using approved Bluetooth device hardware, software, solutions, and connections.
  • Bluetooth device hardware, software, solutions, and connections that do not meet the standards of this policy shall not be authorized for deployment.
  • Bluetooth users must act appropriately to protect information, network access, passwords, cryptographic keys, and Bluetooth equipment.
  • Bluetooth users are required to report any misuse, loss, or theft of Bluetooth devices or systems immediately to Infosec.